This morning I just happened to see this book, and it set me thinking. I realize, of course, that Visual Quickstart Guide
is the series title, and so they kept it on this book so as to match the other books in the series. Nonetheless, the idea of having a visual guide to text-based markup standards is... funny. Well, it's funny to me. So this set me thinking about what other bizarre or oxymoronic titles there could be, if books on certain topics were published as part of a series with a poorly-matched series title...
- sed and awk Visual Quickstart Guide
- Brain Surgery for Dummies
- Teach Yourself Patience in 21 Days
: Quick & Easy
- Emacs: The Missing Manual
I can trump those with a real title: Self-Esteem for Dummies.
No, I'm not kidding.
I concede defeat. Self Esteem for Dummies FTW.
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