Purple Frogs

I search the world for purple frogs.
They bring me such delight!
I love their croaking, smooth and clear,
Their colours bold and bright.
The way they swim around the bog,
And lay their eggs at night,
Their mating dance while people sleep,
Is such an awesome sight!
The purple frogs are edible,
And this is my advice:
If you can capture purple frogs,
They bring a handsome price.
When cooking purple frogs in stew,
I season them with spice.
Their smoky taste, with vegetables,
Makes dinner very nice.
I teach the purple frogs to speak,
And I have always found,
That once they learn our English words,
Their thoughts are most profound.
This world has many governments,
Some good, some inept, some harsh;
But soon with the help of the purple frogs,
They'll all be ruled from the marsh!
This is written in the common meter, so it can be sung to any number of existing tunes. Nonetheless, I intend to write original music for it at some point. Ad interim, I saw no reason not to go ahead and post the lyrics. Enjoy, or whatever.